FAA Drone Pilot Exam Part 107 Test Prep

Questions and courses you need to study for the Remote Pilot Certificate !

Just 30 Dollars to be adequately prepared for FAA Drone Pilot Knowledge Test (UAS).

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  • Drone - UAS - UAV

    Become an FAA-Certified Drone Pilot: Find out the questions, learn the rules, understand how to obtain a Remote Pilot Certificate from the FAA.

See what other users say

Training mode is very useful at first, then take some practice exams and try to pass each time the minimum passing score (70%). I studied about 20 hours and got a score of 92%. Questions on the website were almost the same at the exam.


Great and easy preparation for the actual test. Not expensive at all compare to others competitors! you don’t need more to become a certified drone pilot for standard operations, really!

Mick, FL.

Two weeks preparation for me: I scored a 94 on the written test!
Thanks for your help!
